Edward D. Wimble

Mr. Edward D. Wimble, CPESC 825, became a Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC) in 1999 and worked along with Rick Morse to develop the CPESC program in Australia. Erosion control had a very low profile in Australia for many years, and it has taken a concerted effort by a committed few erosion control professionals, Mr. Wimble in particular, to raise the awareness of how important this aspect of responsible environmental management really is.

What has particularly distinguished him, apart from his ongoing achievements as an erosion control professional, was his commitment above and beyond the usual to getting erosion control onto the public agenda and into the considerations of many different industries and organizations.

Edward Wimble was involved with the erosion and sediment control industry for nearly fifty (50) years through his company, Spraygrass. Early in his career, he became aware of the need for recognition as an industry in Australasia and became a member of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) in 1979.

In 1994, after intensive lobbying from Edward and Rick Morse, IECA Australasia finally received its Charter from the US, the first Chapter to be chartered outside of the USA. Edward was elected President of the founding Committee of the IECA (Australasia).

Mr. Wimble passed away in late 2017 and will be greatly missed by the erosion control industry.