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The use of the term “best” implies that the designed practice is optimal for the application and what is considered “best” can often be subjective and is not definitive. Therefore, the term “best management practice(s)” and the acronym “BMP” have been replaced with “management practice(s)” or “MP”.

QSM is an entry-level Certificate of Training that will assist individuals who are new or have limited experience in the field of erosion and sediment control, and related fields.

Obtaining this certificate distinguishes you from your peers and demonstrates to the public at-large that you have demonstrated an elevated level of expertise in the stormwater and environmental industry.

Individuals that earn this certificate will be privy to several benefits and opportunities.

These benefits include:

  • Access to thousands of Professionals within the ECI community
  • Fast-Track towards the Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI) Program
  • Recognition within the field that you are part of ECI.